

Environmental Education Programs

Environmental Education Programs
Environmental Education Programs

Kindergarten Native Seed Kits: This program gives kindergartners hands-on experience with a variety of seeds.  It includes the planting of seeds to help them learn and understand the concepts taught.​

First Grade Worms: First grade classrooms learn about soil, decomposition, and living animals through the use of red worms. This program allows worms to live in the classroom in a bin where students can observe and explore.​

Second Grade Butterflies: This program allows students to raise caterpillars right in your classroom. Students have the opportunity to learn first-hand about life cycles and metamorphosis as the caterpillars create their chrysalis and emerge as butterflies. 

Third Grade Trees: We provide free tree seedlings for each student in third-grade classrooms, along with a resource and activity guide for teachers. This program allows students to learn about and appreciate trees.

Fifth-Grade Earth Wellness Festival: Each year, the Lower Platte South NRD co-sponsors the annual Earth/Wellness Festival. This educational event engages fifth graders from Lancaster County in creative, hands-on activities to increase their awareness of the environment. ​

Seventh-Grade Earth Day Kits: We provide Earth Day Kits to compliment the seventh-grade Environmental Studies curriculum and help students celebrate Earth Day. The kits focus on recycling, water conservation, and some of Nebraska's threatened and endangered wildlife.​

Seventh-Grade & High School Biology Field Trips: Designed to enhance curriculum, these field trips get students out exploring!  Students hike, net insects and dip in the water for macroinvertebrates. The LPSNRD provides the staff, materials on site, follow up worksheets if requested and we facilitate the trip.

High School Environmental Studies Mini-Grant Program: LPSNRD offers a mini-grant program for high school environmental studies classrooms. This program encourages students to venture into Nebraska's ecosystems and become actively engaged in their learning.​​

Outdoor Classrooms

Outdoor Classrooms
Outdoor Classrooms

These grants help enhance the look of your schoolyard and increase opportunities for environmental education. LPSNRD provides matching grants up to $2,000 per year and also provides training to teachers on how to get the most out of your outdoor classroom.​​

Scholarships & Support

Scholarships & Support
Scholarships & Support

Educator Conference Scholarship: This scholarship provides formal and non-formal educators in the District up to 50% of registration and program costs toward a professional development conference of their choice. Transportation costs are not included in this scholarship.

Student Conference Scholarships: This grant, like the Educator Conference Scholarship, provides students with up to 50% of registration and program costs. The scholarship does not cover transportation costs.​

We also can help support students attending various environmentally-themed summer camps. Please contact us if you have a specific education resource need that we can help you with.

Test Your Well Nights

Test Your Well Nights
Test Your Well Nights

FFA members from area high schools, trained by the NRD, will test nitrate levels in water samples collected by private well owners during January and February each year. Owners of private wells are encouraged to have samples tested. Results will be kept confidential.​ Specific dates and times will be posted on our News & Events webpage as they are scheduled.